
Friday, December 14, 2012

Rain Forest Paper Mache

 Our class has been studying the rain forest and decided to build our very own rain forest home. We learned that these homes are built on stilts so that they do not flood during periods of heavy rain. My little ones had fun building, sculpting, painting, and putting this project together!!!

Hard at work with paper mache!
Nothing like messy fun!!!!
Coan and Andrew making the stilts!

Mariana, Si Woo, Brodie, and Chaeyun putting the stilts on the house!

Almost there friends! Looking FABULOUS =-)

Looks like I have some future designers in my class!

Rain forest Home

Stilts and Flood Water
Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Christmas Song for You!

These are the very talented little ones of AEEC, Green Pod! Check out these vocals =-)" target="_blank">Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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Christmas Program 12/07/2012

On Friday, we had an amazing Christmas program where our sweet friends from green pod performed. They did a magnificent job and we are so proud of them! Check out these snapshots and the video in the following post!
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Field Trip Cont.'d...

We got to see so many things! This field trip was such a great experience for our Aquatic Habitat theme! They had a blast =-)
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Creativity at its Finest!

We are studying the rain forest and found that life there is very interesting. So, we decided to build our very own rain forest home (paper mache style =-))! We are in the beginning stages....more pictures and facts to come!